Tuesday 27 December 2016

S20 Ep.11: Letters to Santa


Written by
Helen Farrall

Directed by
Dianna Basso

Produced by
Ian McCue (HIT)

Air Date:

Percy got stuck in a snowdrift and Harold offered him to his mail to the mainland for Hiro to take to the mainland. But the next day he didn't return.

- The Percy and Harold dynamic
- I like how Santa Claus is apart of the Sodor Universe 
- Moral: Everyone is useful in their own way
- The Percy & Harold flashback

- The shot of Percy at the end with mouth all bunched up looks awkward.

When I first heard of this episode, I thought it was going to be Percy being behind schedule because of snow and had to make up for loss time. But with Harold in the picture as well as his rivalry with Percy it made the episode even better. Fans had been waiting for years to see Percy and Harold bantering and challenging each other again and even I was waiting too. It's nice to see that then just Thomas and Bertie all the time. It's great to see that again and I hope we see more of it in the upcoming seasons.

I also like how in the Sodor Universe, Santa Claus is real. After all this is a children's show and kids do believe that the man in red is real. But wait isn't Sodor apart of the real world in the books? Well yes it is and Santa was in the book and adaptation 'Thomas & The Missing Christmas Tree' but they never claimed him to be real or a person in the suit, he was just there and you just have to think for yourself about it. 

The message of the episode was nice to hear as well about everyone is good in their own way and it works with a dynamic of Percy and Harold as both of them are different despite doing similar jobs.

Although the shot of Percy talking to Harold at the end just looks really awkward as Percy's mouth is too close to his nose and eyes. You think maybe Arc Productions might've tried a different angle? Anyway that's just a nitpick and yes I do love the CG recreated flashback of 'Percy and Harold' and loved it even more that they had used the illustrations of the Railway Series as reference material for the race it was nice throwback for the older fans and a great way to show the younger fans on how their rivalry first started. Even though many have criticised about fan service in the show nowadays and yeah I have some ups and downs about it too at times, but this is fan service done right. It didn't really feel forced or not adding anything to the plot. I hope Andrew Brenner and his team keep up with stuff like this.

Although I do find it strange that Channel 5 airs this after Christmas? Oh well at least they played this and the upcoming episodes in December. Although I do criticise the ABC here in Australia for not airing a single episode from the 20th season despite them telling people that they'll air them 'later this year'. I don't know when but I have a feeling they'll air them early next year.

But despite that I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas and I hope you have a Happy New Year.

Episode Ratings:
Sidney Sings - 8/10
Letters To Santa - 8/10

Overall Rating: