Wednesday 7 December 2016

S20 Ep.7: Ryan and Daisy

I'm back from the USA! Now here are my views on the latest S20 episodes that had aired on UK television back in November: 


Written by
Davey Moore

Directed by
Dianna Basso

Produced by
Ian McCue

Air Date:

Daisy encourages a good-natured new goods engine named Ryan to help her out with some of her passenger duties, but her laziness backfires when Ryan takes on even more of her responsibilities and ends up causing confusion and delay! With trucks in front and behind, he sails through a red light - and delivers passengers to the quarry!

- Moral: It's good to help a friend but they need to help each other
- Great way for younger Thomas fans to know Daisy
- Daisy's persona is spot on
- The pedestrian bridge at Arlesbrugh west is a nice touch

- Ryan's voice is like Paxton's but there was some effort

- Ryan could've at least have some retaliation towards Daisy

I quite like this episode and it's great to finally see Ryan and Daisy together for the first time. I think they work well together with Ryan's innocent persona and Daisy's selfish stubborn behaviour was done well here too; lazy and manipulative. I love Daisy's introduction to the episode as its a great chance for the younger Thomas fans getting to know her unlike some 'soccer moms' who complained about it on Amazon for the 'Tinsel of The Tracks' DVD. Her character throughout the episode was spot on with her laziness, manipulation etc. 

Ryan is too pure but I see that as a fault within his character. The episode's moral can mean many things such as it's good to help a friend but sometimes we need to help each other out as stated by the Fat Controller of course at the end of the episode. But I think another message the episode should also be 'there's a time to say no.' maybe have Ryan feeling annoyed with Daisy and wants to tell her off but he would think that might upset her and so he can't be bothered doing that until he has an accident and show some retaliation towards her and the Fat Controller agrees with Ryan but should also tell Ryan that he has to say no to some of things that Daisy asked him to do. Could add some more development into Ryan.

It's also the first time that Steve Kynman voiced Ryan too. Of course Eddie Redmayne was the original voice actor for him in 'Sodor's Legend of The Lost Treasure' but of course Eddie Redmayne is a high class actor and can be very busy of course. I do have to admit that he does sound a bit like Paxton but after seeing this episode a few times, he did provide effort into the voice to make it sound like what he was in the 2015 special from Redmayne. So think Kynman did a good job with it too. 

Another thing I like is the addition of the pedestrian footbridge that we see at Arlesbrugh west. It's a small thing but it gives more access to the miniature railway than it did in the movie. So in the end this was a good episode and it was nice to see these two engines together with different personalities. 

Episode Ratings:
Sidney Sings - 8/10
Toby's New Friend - 7/10
Henry Gets the Express - 10/10
Diesel and the Ducklings - 8/10
Bradford the Brake Van - 10/10
Saving Time - 6/10
Ryan and Daisy - 7/10

Overall Rating: